About Last Night

Published on by Louis Versace

I know it's been a while since I posted on here and the reason being I haven't had anything different to share with you guys but last night was something else. So it's the half term holiday and me and some friends decided to do something. So we ended up at some girls house, same girl one of my friend is dating. She had a friend who I asked my mate to try hook me up with her. So the night before we went to the house, I started speaking to her. She was easy to talk to and really fun despite the fact I've never met her. So, when we arrived at the house, I soon as I saw her, my heart skip a bit. Next thing I realised, we were spooning. To be fair it felt really nice and she said I'm a really comfortable person so sleep on. Her words not mine. She's the kind of girl I go for and I kind of like her and I know she feels the same. Hope I see her again very soon. For now, we are just texting until I see her again and to be honest I can't wait. Fingers crossed. Thank you for reading and goodnight.

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