Published on by Louis Versace

Hey guys, I know it's been a while and I appoligise for that and I know it's not acceptable for me to behave in that manar towards my readers. A lot has happened this past few weeks.

The worst part is, all my mates have travelled to Spain for a 10 day holiday. That means I won't be able to see or have fun with some of my really close friends. I know you would be asking why I didn't go with them and the answer is I didn't have enough money when they told me and it was unexpected. It wasn't something we all planned. So all I've been doing is working at my fathers pub in the city since he is away as well. So yeah, life is pretty shit at the moment for me. Also my ex girlfriend is trying to get back with me but again I don't want to give her the wrong message or mix emotion as people will call it so I'm gonna take it slow.

I've also been working really hard this pre season, doing extra training in my own time which I have found really beneficial. My aim is to take football to the highest level I can and I will do everything possible to make that happen. Sometimes you just don't sit and wait for things to happen. You have to make things happen. Be in control of your own destiny and that's what I am doing.

Thanks for reading and hope you comeback soon.

Many thanks

Louis Versace.

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